Daily Devotional for October 18, 2015

Isaiah 41:10
Don’t be afraid. I am with you.
Don’t tremble with fear.
    I am your God.
I will make you strong,
as I protect you with my arm
    and give you victories.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This verse has now been printed and taped to the wall above my desk!  It serves as a constant reminder of God’s steadfast presence and provision in my life.  I could tell you more than one story of how I have prayed and trusted…and God has delivered a victory in a specific situation. Hopefully you have your own “success stories.”

But this does not mean that life is all a bed of roses – for any of us.  So we must be continually reminded of God’s power and strength…His protection and His ability to provide us with victories. I can assure you, it would be plenty easy for me – and probably for you, also – to be afraid…to tremble with fear…to fall apart and say, “This is all too much!  I just can’t handle it!”

In truth, we are stronger than we realize…not because of anything we do or have done, but because of God’s power and protection.  When I say, “God’s got this!”…I have to trust that He truly does!  And that is when He reminds me of the countless victories that are already noted in my prayer journal – and in my heart.

If we have to remind ourselves several times a day of the words of Isaiah 41:10, let it be so. I pray that your “journal” - and your heart - are full of victories from God.  If they aren’t, let this be the day that you start to give God your fears and worries - and truly let Him handle them perfectly.  The victories will come.  I’m living proof of it! Won’t you make this the day that you claim the same triumphs for yourself?  Are you ready to “let go and let God” have complete control?  Is today the day you get started?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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