Daily Devotional for November 2, 2015

Luke 12:32-34
Don’t be afraid of missing out. You’re my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself.

“Be generous. Give to the poor. Get yourselves a bank that can’t go bankrupt, a bank in heaven far from bankrobbers, safe from embezzlers, a bank you can bank on. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Each day, I get an e-mail notice from an online clearinghouse called Zulily.  This is somewhat like an “Overstock.com” site for (supposed) “good deals” on clothing, toys, and more.  The e-mail message showcases different brands each day.  Today, one of them was for a fashion design company that sells clothing, purses and shoes.  For the price of a bunk bed set with mattresses for Timothy and Nathan, I could purchase a designer purse!  Which do you think would be high on my list?

We could go to Ghana and visit Kodjo, the boy we have sponsored through Compassion, International for ten years and counting.  We could spend a whole day with him!  The cost of the trip for each of us would total about $8000.  For that amount, we could sponsor TWENTY-TWO needy children for a year and provide them with the opportunity to attend school…uniforms…food and health care…school supplies…the opportunity to learn about Jesus, and more.  As much as I would love to meet Kodjo and give him a big ole hug, I cannot justify this.  To do so would be to store my treasure in momentary pleasure rather than doing big things for God.

I saw an essay on what to expect when rearing boys, and one of the points was that a whole lot of fancy, expensive toys are unnecessary.  Just give a boy a stick, some dirt and the outdoors, and he is a happy camper!  And I have to agree.  I’ve watched our children get as excited – or more – over the box and wrapping paper that surrounded a gift than they were about the actual contents.  We play music on make-believe “drums” that are really a set of nested metal tins – or a recycled oatmeal box.  We have lots of second-hand toys and repurposed items that fill our toy baskets…and nobody cares!

There are so many opportunities each and every day to get it right…to line up our priorities with God’s.  But instead, we worry about whether our purse and shoes look right with our outfit…or whether our “adopted son or daughter” will know that we love them and care about them if we don’t hug them in person.  We stress over appearances on countless levels…and we “store up treasure” in all the wrong places.  We think we have to have brand-new everything, when repurposed/refreshed items are often just as good – and leave us with enough money to minister to the truly needy.

We justify $100+ tickets to concerts and sporting events and “cannot afford” to contribute to a local fundraiser to help needy families during the holidays.  Candidates spend millions of dollars for a chance to be the new leader of the free world – or a lawmaker in some capacity - while promising to enact legislation to create jobs, improve health care coverage and care for the elderly and those in low-income brackets.  We dress up and attend “charity fundraisers” with our friends, spending far more on our outfits, food, and party itself than we actually raise for those in need!  Do you see the irony?

Don’t misunderstand me…God has not called us to be martyrs…to never have any fun or spend any time or money on ourselves. There is nothing wrong with making an effort to look nice and be stylish.  But God has commanded that we listen to Him and serve when and where He directs…to make His ministries our top priority…and think a little more infrequently about our own desires.  God has called us to worry a little less about what others think of us in terms of possessions and appearances – and to care more about what they see us do in His name.

We all can do better in this area.  This passage is about a whole lot more than dollars and cents…Jesus is talking about how we serve as His disciples with everything we’ve got!  This is the day to “get over yourself” and start serving…to “put your money where your mouth is” with regards to your Christian faith and how you spend your time, talents and resources…to really serve God first, and yourself second. 

This is the day that we need to quit worrying so much about what others think - and concentrate on God’s opinion!  His is the only one that truly matters.  So what do you say?  Ready…set…GO!

©2015 Debbie Robus

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