Daily Devotional for November 23, 2015

1 Chronicles 16:30-33
God is serious business, take him seriously;
    he’s put the earth in place and it’s not moving.
So let Heaven rejoice, let Earth be jubilant,
    and pass the word among the nations, “God reigns!”
Let Ocean, all teeming with life, bellow,
    let Field and all its creatures shake the rafters;
Then the trees in the forest will add their applause
    to all who are pleased and present before God
    —he’s on his way to set things right!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugeterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

It’s going to be a very busy week for many of us.  There are pies to bake, dishes to prep, turkeys to roast – and so much more.  Some of us have last-minute projects to complete and classes to attend. Others are scrambling to get on a plane or pack a vehicle and head across the countryside to Grandma’s for the holidays.  There is so much happening that many of us will forget WHY we are even celebrating.

We often get so caught up in the stress and “busyness” of our lives that we fail to remember Who put the earth in place!  As we hurry through this week and try to juggle all of the balls in the air, let’s stop to give thanks to God, Who makes all things possible.

Let’s be thankful for all that God has given us and show Him the respect and honor that He deserves.  Let’s remind ourselves that indeed, God reigns – today, tomorrow, and forever! Without Him, there would be no Thanksgiving…no hope or healing…no salvation or promise of Eternal life!  Stop and take a breath this week…give thanks to God for all He does for us…and all that He will do in the days to come. 

And at the end of the week, when everything got done, the meal was delicious, and we all had a great time together, thank God for orchestrating that, as well!  Let Heaven rejoice, let Earth be jubilant…and pass the word…”God reigns!”  All thanks be to Him forever and ever!

©2015 Debbie Robus

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