Daily Devotional for November 6, 2015

Philippians 4:13
…for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I’ve been working on a lesson for 4th and 5th graders for this Sunday, and the objective is that “Jesus still has the power to perform miracles today as we pray.”  There are several activities that we will conduct during the class to demonstrate how there are things that we cannot do under our own power – and how Jesus can “make a way where we see none.”   I’m not necessarily talking about physical actions, like walking on water…but more the miracles and “intangible” thoughts and experiences that Jesus helps us with each day.

In our lifetimes, we will all encounter situations and circumstances that seem impossible to handle…setbacks, illnesses, the death of loved ones, disappointments.  We will all face challenges…from how to get up and speak in front of a group when we are scared stiff to trepidation about traveling in bad weather…to passing that chemistry test that has us worried sick or surviving a baby’s bout with colic on little to no sleep…to starting a new job, class, or small group.  There will be times when we have no clue about how we are to proceed – or what decision is the right one.  There will be nights when sleep doesn’t come…and days that we think won’t ever end.  And Jesus can help us with all of them.

Sunday, I hope that the children will learn more about the power of prayer and how to keep Jesus close at all times.  We will hopefully gain a better understanding of his strength and power…and a key point in this scripture - that Jesus strengthens and empowers us to do all that God desires for us.  In other words, there will be times when we do not get the wishes of our heart…because they don’t line up with God’s plans.  But when we learn to trust Jesus’ answers and recognize that His guidance is perfect, we confidently operate in His power and find lasting peace.

This is one of my favorite Bible verses.  I know that God’s plans for my life are perfect.   When I listen for His voice and follow His lead, I know that the power of Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit will always guide me to the right answers - and protect me perfectly.  With Christ’s strength and power, I truly can do everything that God asks me to do.  What about you?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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