Daily Devotional for November 4, 2015

Matthew 8:18-20
“Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”
Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

The director of our church’s Children’s Ministries suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage about a month ago.  On MayoClinic.org, I found this description: “Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding in the space between your brain and the surrounding membrane (subarachnoid space).”  It has been “touch and go” for much of this month with Donna…and she has endured countless tests and treatments to get everything stabilized.  She’s still not there…but she is far closer than she was a month ago.

Everyone loves Donna…and the children have been concerned about her recovery.  So when we met Sunday night for the first rehearsal of our Christmas Program, the person in charge asked if anyone would like to lead a closing prayer.  A fourth grader named Kael readily volunteered.  He prayed sweetly, asking God to help us learn the music and to be able to give a good performance.  And then he prayed for Mrs. Donna…that God would heal her and bring her back to us.

In that moment, an hour spent with 30+ children and adults singing “Joy to the World” and dancing along with animated camels on the projection screen while singing “We Three Kings” got incredibly holy.  We were gathered to rehearse for the program and learn some new music to celebrate Jesus and glorify God during the Christmas Season…but in that closing prayer, Heaven went into action big time!

Yesterday, while I did my pool workout, I thought about the scripture from Matthew 11 about trading our “yoke” for that of Jesus.  I jogged around the pool and gave my “yoke” to Him.  I would say, “Lord, I give you this worry.  Please take that concern.  I give you this person, and that one, and another.”  By the end of a half-hour workout, my “yoke” was so much lighter.  I felt the presence and comfort of Jesus’ yoke vs. my own.  It was one of the best workouts I’ve had in a while…and certainly a holy time.

My point is this…holy moments and opportunities are all around us.  They don’t just happen during a formal worship service, a Bible study, or other organized assemblies.  When you need Jesus, He is there.  When your heart is burdened for someone or something, you can give that “yoke” to Him, and Heaven will go into action!  When a 9-year-old child pours out his concern for a beloved spiritual leader - and the sentiment is silently echoed by dozens who are standing with him – God hears the pleas.  And He is ready to answer.

So get busy talking to God.  Trade your “yoke” for that of Jesus, and feel the burdens lifted from your shoulders.  Discover the power of compounded prayers as you “activate the heavens” by sharing your burdens and concerns with others…and agree together over them as you talk to God.  Realize that every time you offer to pray for someone – and actually do it…God answers.  And He does the same when someone prays for you!

I can imagine that the decibel level in Heaven must be astounding at any given minute, as millions of people lift their worries and concerns to God…and He hears and answers each and every one.  Are yours among them?  Don’t you think it’s time they were?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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