John 14:15-16
“If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you.
Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by
permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois
60188. All rights reserved.
A few years ago, my mother gave me a leather-bound copy of a devotional book, Jesus Calling*.
Inside the front cover, Mother wrote a note that said in part, “I hope
you’ll be reading the same page on the same day.” I have to say, I was
not diligent in reading this book each day. I know my mother read hers
virtually non-stop…and the pages of her copy are marked and the leather
cover is fairly worn to prove it.
Since Mother died a little over a month ago, I’ve been reading Jesus Calling pretty
well every day. Even though I didn’t read the same page as her when
she was alive on this earth…I am comforted by these words now – as if
somehow, she is with me through them. And indeed, the first four words
of the passage for today were: “I AM WITH YOU.”
I honestly don’t
know if those who have graduated to heaven are still “with us”…but I
know that the Holy Spirit is…and He comforts, shields and guides us each
and every day. I don’t think it is a stretch to assume that He uses
whatever methods and measures work in the moment to accomplish His goals
- even a daily devotional book shared by a mother with her daughter.
mother was always sharing a book or a card or SOMETHING to encourage
someone else. Just yesterday as I sorted through drawers, her husband
mentioned her “gift drawer”…a place in her office where she kept little
“inspirational books” and other items that could be given to someone who
needed a lift. In this way, my mother “fed the sheep” as the Holy
Spirit led her. And we are all called to do this!
I’m not saying
that we all need a “gift drawer” – or that we should start buying books
and cards to share with others. But I do believe that the Holy Spirit
speaks to each of us, according to God’s plans and will for our lives –
and the abilities with which He has entrusted us. OUR JOB is to
discover what we are supposed to do…WHO we are supposed to “feed”…and
then do this as the Holy Spirit guides us.
As you go about your
day, hear the Holy Spirit telling you, “I AM WITH YOU.” Feel His
presence. Rest in the comfort and safety of His protection and care…and
in the confidence that He will never leave you. Trust the Comforter to
also be your constant guide and “activity director.” And when and
where He leads, make sure you follow! Are you ready to answer the call
and “feed some sheep?” Don’t you think you should be?
©2016 Debbie Robus
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