Daily Devotional for February 7, 2016

Romans 3:19-20
We know that everything in the Law was written for those who are under its power. The Law says these things to stop anyone from making excuses and to let God show that the whole world is guilty.  God doesn’t accept people simply because they obey the Law. No, indeed! All the Law does is to point out our sin.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Today, we were driving home from a swim at the community Aquatic Center, and a car in front of us stopped at a red light.  When the intersection was clear, the driver sped through it while the light was still red.  The children saw this, and Timothy immediately said, “Aunt Debbie!  You need to call 911!” 

I agreed with him that this was a bad thing for the driver to do…he had disobeyed the law.  But I didn’t call 911 – even when Nathan chimed in and said, “Yeah, Aunt Debbie…you need to do what Timmy said and call 911!”  I told the children that perhaps this driver was having a bad day – or he didn’t realize that the light had not turned green.  There could be a lot of reasons that he broke the law…but in this case, it was not our place to report it to the police. I guess you could say…we gave him a pass!

Every one of us does things we shouldn’t.  We all break the law from time to time – if only when we drive a mile or two over the speed limit.  I am not condoning this!  But as this scripture points out – all the law does is point out that we are not perfect – that we all sin!  Our human nature often tells us that we can concoct some semblance of a reasonable excuse for what we did.  And sometimes, we react without thinking – and say and do things that we truly should not.  There is no excuse for our behaviors…but we often offer…“these things happen.”

Aren’t you glad that God does not judge us for every single law we break – or even every sin we commit?  Yes, it is wrong to break the law.  Yes, these actions hurt God and can weaken our relationship with God – from OUR vantage point.  But God never turns His back on us.  He never stops loving us…and if we commit our hearts to Jesus and make every effort to love and serve Him – God never stops forgiving us. 

This is such good news…because on any given day, we’re all stinkers…capable of lying, cheating, stealing – and yes, running a red light!  Aren’t you glad to know that God is in your corner…that the laws we are called to obey are not what truly define our relationship with Him…or our eternal destiny?!  Stop today and thank God for loving you…for His forgiveness of your sins and His willingness to set you upright after you disobey, disappoint, or disconnect in some manner with poor choices and selfish behaviors. 

Ask Him to strengthen your relationship…to help you keep your focus on the teachings of Jesus and your commitment to be a faithful servant and disciple. We shouldn’t presume that God will give us a pass – anytime on anything. But aren’t we glad that when we fall short, He restores us? Have you thanked Him today for His amazing grace and mercy?  Don’t you think you should?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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