Daily Devotional for February 6, 2016

Revelation 14:12
Let this encourage God’s people to endure patiently every trial and persecution, for they are his saints who remain firm to the end in obedience to his commands and trust in Jesus.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Timothy is spending a long-overdue Saturday with “My Debbie” and “My Greg,” as he calls us.  He came to our house after school on Friday and spent the night.  We are pretty well doing whatever he pleases – within reason (he did want to go shopping for more toys, and that didn’t happen!) – and we are enjoying a break from “regular life” and the sadness that has filled our hearts and minds lately.  Greg and I have both commented that the children have been a great diversion and source of joy for us in the last several weeks, and we have thanked God for His blessings.

Seven-year-old boys are not the most patient lot (and three-year-old little brothers are even less so, as Nathan reminds us on his weekly visits!)  So this morning as I prepared the chocolate chip pancakes and bacon that Timothy and his Greg requested for breakfast, Timothy reminded me several times that “I’m hungry!  I can’t wait!”  I would tell him, “I’m working on it…the wait will be worth it!”  But he was not convinced. “Oh! Oh! I’m STARVING!” he complained dramatically.  I even gave him a cup of hot cocoa and some chocolate chips to tide him over (yes, we spoil him rotten on these visits!)…but he was still adamant that he needed his breakfast – NOW!

Trust me…this kid was in no distress – much less, any danger of starvation!  But we grown-ups are often so much like him in the situations and circumstances of our own lives.  We think we cannot bear what is happening to us…and we often whine and complain and cry out to God, “When will this be over?  When will you rescue me?”  God gives us more blessings and joys than we deserve – like “chocolate chips and hot cocoa to tide us over” – but still, we are impatient.

Sometimes, in our restlessness and mistrust, we misbehave and disobey… or even turn our backs on God.  After all, He took too long to answer us…right?  At the very least, we question His timing and plans…we gripe and complain…and we lose heart. Some of this is normal…human nature…our sinful side in action.  None of us is perfect, after all.

But we do need to listen to the words of this passage…to learn to operate in patience – even in the midst of trials -  and yes, “persecution”…to remain firm to the end in obedience to God’s commands…to always trust in Jesus.  I can tell you from personal experience that this is often hard…that some days are better than others.  But every day that we stay close to God and operate in His will and trust Him for perfect outcomes is better than our “best” day without Him. 

Not all days will be “chocolate chip pancake and bacon” days with God.  But when we make our best effort to spend each day with “My God”, He will supply our every need – and then some.  We.Can.Do.This!  No matter how hard “life” seems, God will equip us for it if we will let Him.  Are you with me?

©2016 Debbie Robus 

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