Daily Devotional for February 21, 2016

John 3:16-17
God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them!

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning, I taught the Sunday school lesson to 2nd and 3rd graders.  The topic was missions, based on the story in Acts 10 of Cornelius and his encounter with Simon Peter.  Although these 8-and-9-year-olds love to get off topic, we talked about two primary points this morning…1) that Jesus did not die for the sins of only the “clean” – or any particular race, ethnic group, skin or eye color, or other distinguishing characteristic; and 2) we are ALL missionaries!

In an effort to explain “clean” and “unclean,” I turned to the book of Leviticus and read the children a few of the laws of that day…how you were not to touch a dead body…how pigs were considered off limits (they were APPALLED that this meant no bacon!)…how people were not to handle certain animals that crawled on the ground (which meant one little boy would not have been able to go hiking this afternoon to search for lizards and snakes!).  One of the boys asked, “So what changed? Why don’t we have to follow these laws today?”  That was the perfect segue to a discussion about Christ’s death on the cross to pay for our sins, once and for all.  With the blood of Jesus, we were ALL given the opportunity to be “washed clean” forever!

The children and I talked about discrimination…how Salvation through Jesus is available to EVERYONE…not just a chosen few.  We talked about how we can demonstrate this to others – particularly by our words and actions.  And I emphasized to these young disciples that each of them is a “missionary”…that others are watching their words and actions to see if they line up with the teachings of Jesus. Some of the children are going with their families to Peru this summer on a “mission trip.”  I stressed to all of the children that you do not have to travel to a foreign country to do mission work for Jesus…there are plenty of opportunities in our own backyards. So we all have work to do!

Here’s the thing for you and me…God so loved the world that He gave His only Son for ALL of us… so that everyone who has faith in Him can have everlasting life.  This is the best news ever!  There is not a single person on this earth who cannot spend Eternity in heaven with Jesus if they call on Him to forgive their sins and cover them with His blood. 

AND…we are ALL missionaries.  You may not think of yourself in this manner, but you truly are “on a mission” for God…or you should be. When I asked the children what their “mission” was…they would say, “To tell others about Jesus.”  I told them repeatedly that this includes more than literally telling people about Jesus.  We minister to others and “witness” to them by our words and our actions…how we worship God – and particularly by how we treat others.  If we honor Jesus’ commandment to love others as He loves us – and as we love ourselves – He will be glorified.  Others will see the awesome power, grace and mercy of Jesus in our lives…and hopefully want this for themselves. 

I can think of nothing better than to hear someone say to me, “How do I get what you have?” (meaning the peace and joy of belonging to Jesus).  God loved us enough to send Jesus.  How will we share that love with others, as He desired?  Are you really ready to feed his sheep and be a “missionary” for Him?  Don’t you think it’s time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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