Daily Devotional for February 26, 2016

Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

When I was a child, the local Young Business Men’s Association (YBMC for short) held an annual Easter egg hunt in our city park.  There were several prize eggs hidden amongst the “real” ones…and these could garner the person who found them a live baby chick or a bunny rabbit to take home.  My sister, brother and I never got either one!

A year or so ago, my best friend (and former neighbor) and I were discussing this, and she was talking about how she always got a prize egg.  She said, “I can’t believe that my daddy didn’t make sure that at least one of you three went home with a prize egg.  He was a member of the YBMC…he would surely have made that happen!”  I told her I felt quite sure that my mother made sure that this didn’t happen…and when I asked her, she readily confirmed my suspicion!  Mother must have threatened our neighbor within an inch of his life if it even looked like one of us might pick up a prize egg and bring home a chick or bunny!

Another friend, J.R., related to me last year that because his family ran the local feed store, the chicks came to them prior to the egg hunt.  And somehow, one year, several ended up at his house.  It was cold, and J.R.’s grandmother took pity on the chicks, so she let them come inside…which was a royal disaster.  The chicks that survived were ultimately relocated to a farm on the outskirts of town, and J.R. and his brother, Larry, visited them there.

Here’s where I’m headed…it was one thing to win the prize egg and be awarded a chick or bunny…but there was work to be done afterward!  It didn’t end with the glory of the found treasure!  And the same can be said for our salvation and Eternal life in Christ!

I sometimes worry that people might think twice about following Jesus if they really understood just what true Christian discipleship entails!  And I don’t say this lightly or to imply that people should NOT give their hearts to Jesus. But we really do a poor job of nurturing new believers…and even some of those who have grown “long in the tooth” since their initial commitment to follow Christ.  We cannot claim the victory and “prize” and then fail to take care of the “reward,” which no doubt accounts for countless mothers and fathers scrambling to make sure that their children did not “win” a chick or bunny at the annual Easter egg hunt!

My point is this…NOTHING compares with becoming a true child of God by committing your heart to Jesus.  The most liberating and wonderful thing anyone can do is to confess his/her sins to Jesus and feel Him wash them all away with His own blood. The promise of spending Eternity in Jesus’ presence is the greatest gift we will ever receive.  But in exchange for all of this, God wants us to nurture His “Gift”…to grow in our faith and share the Good News with others.  He wants us to “feed the sheep” and tend to those in need…to share in the joys and triumphs, trials and sorrows of everyone we encounter.

Jesus could not have been plainer when He told us to go and make disciples of all nations.  And we have to start in our own back yards.  Like winning the prize at an Easter egg hunt, too many of us want to claim the victory in Jesus - and then “leave the prize at the park.”  We cannot do this!  We must do whatever God tells us to do…go wherever He sends us…and minister in whatever way He instructs – to everyone He puts in our path.  Nurturing a baby chick or bunny may have been too much for some parents and children…but feeding God’s sheep is a small price to pay for the glory of the LORD and promise of Eternity with Him in Heaven.

When it comes to Christian discipleship, we don’t get to pick and choose – or to “rig the game.” And aren’t we glad?!  Where is God calling you to disciple and minister in Jesus’ name today?  Are you listening?  Are you ready to take His hand and step up and out – to feed His sheep and further His kingdom?  Isn’t it time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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